"Teach English Now! Second Language Listening, Speaking, and Pronunciation"Ce Mooc fait partie de la Spécialisation TESOL Certificate, Part 2: Teach English Now! Il est proposé par l'université d'Etat de l'Arizona.
L'inscription à Coursera est gratuite. L'accès au cours est gratuit. Les activités certifiantes sont payantes, mais n’empêchent pas de visionner le cours et de s'évaluer.What makes learning or teaching English difficult? What makes it easy? Let's explore!
Abstract: "In this course, you will be introduced to some of the challenges of teaching and learning listening and speaking, such as paralinguistics, performance variables, reduced and regional forms, and differing types of oral discourse. Don't worry--you'll learn what those mean, too! Then you'll learn how to ease the acquisition of listening and speaking for your students. The course also highlights the powerful opportunity to include pronunciation in listening and speaking classes and offers strategies to incorporate pronunciation activities."
Remarque: les programmes américains d'enseignement/apprentissage des langues ne s'appuient pas sur le CECR.