It's that time of year again when we start talking
and thinking about New Year's Resolutions ...
- even
- but
- however
they're old hat and we instinctively know they don't work.
- Why
- Because
- To
...your friends, family and colleagues may chat about what Resolutions they're
going to make, do you find yourself wondering whether to make any?
We know that within a few days or weeks, the Resolutions
will be forgotten, nothing will have changed and ....
- to
- because
- yet
for some reason most people still worry about them.
So why do we still bother with New Year's Resolutions?
- First
- Because
- In
they're a custom and a New Year ushers in a new start, so what better time
than now?
There's even a small chance that we may stick to
our Resolutions this year, ...
- so
- but
- to
we have a go.
The main reason some people think about New Year's
Resolutions is ...
- even
- because
- why
they want to change things in their life.
There's the usual New Year's Resolutions, such as
I want to lose weight, change jobs, or earn more money ...
- although
- but
- moreover
they tend to be the same ones you've had for years and they're still incomplete.
These types of Resolutions are too vague. For Resolutions
to work, they need to be well thought out ...
- and
- to
- for
have real meaning.
If not, they become a vague item on your "wish
list" ....
- because
- or
- instead
of actually doing something concrete about them.
exercise adapted from http://www.hospitalityexpos.com/article8501.html